Regulatory Filings

Regulatory Filings & Financials on SEDAR

Baru Gold Corp. is registered with SEDAR, which is the official site that provides access to public securities documents and information filed by public companies with the thirteen provincial and territorial securities regulatory authorities (“Canadian Securities Administrators” or “CSA”) in the SEDAR filing system. The statutory objective in making public this filed information is to enhance investor awareness of the business and affairs of public companies and investment funds and to promote confidence in the transparent operation of capital markets in Canada. Achieving this objective relies heavily on the provision of accurate information on market participants.

To view all of Baru Gold Corp.’s regulatory filings and financials submitted on SEDAR Plus, click here.

TSX Venture Exchange

Baru Gold Corp. is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The TSX and TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) have provided access to equity capital to issuers for over 150 years, and are successful because of the peer group of their issuers, a deep and liquid trading and investing environment, and the expertise and innovation exhibited by their stakeholders. TSX and TSXV are global leaders in the listing of companies across all industry sectors. The strong support in the Canadian market has helped expand their expertise beyond the natural resource sectors, to include the dynamic and innovative science and technology sectors.

For more information about Baru Gold Corp. at the TSX Venture Exchange, click here.

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